You carefully look for best offers discounts when you buy groceries or make a holiday. Won’t it be amazing if your credit card could manage and get the best bargains for you? Financial institutions offer a host of benefits when you use your credit cards. Make a wise pick while choosing your card so that you can reap umpteen benefits later on.
Here are the key types of credit card that you can choose from:
(A) Fuel credit card: If you have high driving needs this might be the best choice for you. Financial institutions partner with fuel companies to offer advantages to people with such needs.
(B) Travel credit cards: These are also co-branded cards that give you cheaper fares on travel tickets. They can be collected on a daily basis commute as well. Additional advantages include airport lounge service and concierge services.
(C) Shopping credit cards: These are used specifically for everyday expenditures and can be both standalone and partnered. The standalone cards give equal discounts on different brands, whereas, co-branded cards give special discounts on the products of the partner brand.
(D) Entertainment credit cards: These cards are mostly used for purchasing movie tickets and movie ticket vouchers. They can also fetch benefits on fuel purchases, dining, grocery, shopping, etc.
2. Low interest:
Certain financial institutions offer credit cards with a low-interest rate. People who owe money or must return loans should prefer such a card for expenditure without worry about the interest rates.
3. Business:
The cards are used only for company-related purchase and thus, they have a higher credit limit. Holding these can improve your credit score, which comes with a lot of benefits like cheaper loans in the future. When you use the card, it becomes easy to separate personal and business related expenditures.
4. Secured:
The card is given against fixed deposits. This increases the CIBIL score of the holder over-ruling the need for a high credit score.
Read: What is Credit Card?