Some numerous financial institutions and lenders introduce reward points to boost customers to utilize credit cards for all the things they desire to buy. Banks and NBFCs nowadays offer reward points on credit card transactions. It means the more you utilize the credit card, the more points you collect.
However, once you have collected the specific number of rewards points, you can redeem them for offers including gift vouchers, air miles, coupons, cashback, and so much more. It makes total sense to choose the best rewards credit card that provides you perks according to your spends.
Ways To Earn Reward Points
Before you get all excited, it is essential for you to know how you can earn these reward points. You can surely earn one reward point for expending 100Rs. offline and then two reward points for spending 100Rs. online. This way, the card provides you about 2 reward points for every transaction of 100Rs. On dining and abroad transactions.
If you’re a frequent flyer, then you can select the one that offers credit card reward points for all your ticket bookings. Also, there are several options available if you’re searching for the best rewards credit card.
Various Programs & Schemes
As different card companies offer different programs and schemes to their respective customers, it is essential for you to know what all is offered by the company you’re willing to choose. These rewards points will surely assist you in paying a broad range of consumer products like airline tickets, bus tickets, electronic items, home, fashion, beauty products, and so much more.