Credit cards offer great convenience, giving you access to funds that you can use to purchase an array of products and services. However, in order to gain maximum benefits basis your usage, get yourself a credit card that encompasses all your needs well. So, if shopping around the year is your thing, getting a credit card that offers you shopping for discounts and cashback will prove beneficial.
On the other hand, if your business demands frequent traveling and you end up booking most of your tickets at the last minute, a travel credit card is made for you. Study the various types of credit card available and then consider them based on your personality, requirements, and credit habits.
Here are some of the top ways of selecting a credit card in India -
Credit Limit
Just because you have a credit card does not mean that you can use it as much as you feel like for making purchases of any amount. This is why a credit limit is attached to your card and it goes without saying that the more the credit limit of your card, the higher the flexibility attached to it. Further, not many people are aware of this but the extent to which you use your credit limit has a direct consequence on your credit score.
Irrespective of what your credit limit is, its utilization should not exceed more than 40% as otherwise you appear as credit-hungry and your credit score takes a hit. However, if you are someone who makes a lot of purchases every month using their credit card or plans to do so, this can sound rather restricted. This is why you should opt for a credit card which offers you the highest credit limit so that you can use it as much as you require without your credit score getting affected.
Credit cards these days are offered by a wide range of lenders and the conveniences and offers which they offer are equally varied. There are many people who tend to fall for these and end up paying a steep charges not only for availing the card but also for maintaining it. This is the reason why instead of being attracted by just what the credit card is offering, you should ask yourself the question as to what extent do you think you will be utilizing the offers which come with the card. If you think that you will do just fine with a complimentary card, then what is the point of opting for a paid card. Conversely, if you think that the offers being provided will genuinely be of help to you, then you must surely go ahead and opt for the credit card which provides offers which are relevant to you.
Also Read: How to Select the Best Credit Card in India for the Maximum Benefits