Having your credit card compromised is a highly unwanted situation. It not only stresses you out mentally but also leaves your finances vulnerable at the hands of culprits. To avoid a sticky situation such as this you must know of some smart tips to save yourself and your card.
Personalize the credit card - as soon as you receive your credit card make sure to sign the back of your card. This ensures that the card is yours and no one else is able to use it unless you want them to such as your family member.
Fraud alert - you can set up ‘initial’ and ‘extended’ fraud alert on your RBL credit card. With this, the lender will inform you via call, email or SMS of any unusual activity. The alert helps you identify fraud either occurring or has happened recently and pushes you to block the card to save you from the same.
Save details carefully - the information of your credit card especially its pin number is an important tool to authenticate transactions. Hence, at all times make sure to keep the information confidential and not share it with any third party such as colleagues, merchants, call centre representatives or anyone you do not trust.
- Security freeze - setting up this facility on your credit report will avoid opening of new accounts in your name without your knowledge. This even prevents creditors from having access to your credit card performance. At the time of availing finance you would have to furnish the information yourself in order to qualify. Though, a little inconvenient it still helps to keep your information safe.